Report started at 2025-03-09 00:00:10 UTC The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason: Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your package will be retired when the affected package gets retired. Request package ownership via the *Take* button in the left column on Full report available at: grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain. For human readable dependency chains, see For all orphaned packages, see Package (co)maintainers Status Change ================================================================================ ansible-collection-awx-awx orphan 3 weeks ago apache-commons-configuration @epel-packagers-sig, orphan, 5 weeks ago salimma apache-commons-jexl orphan 5 weeks ago awesome-vim-colorschemes mhjacks, orphan 2 weeks ago bpytop orphan, zawertun 2 weeks ago bst-external orphan 2 weeks ago clipsmm orphan 1 weeks ago compat-readline5 orphan 0 weeks ago daggy atim, ignatenkobrain, orphan 2 weeks ago drawing orphan 2 weeks ago erlang-js orphan 0 weeks ago evolution-mapi asn, orphan 2 weeks ago faience-icon-theme orphan 2 weeks ago flat-remix-icon-theme orphan 2 weeks ago flat-remix-theme orphan 2 weeks ago gamehub orphan 2 weeks ago gedit-color-schemes orphan 2 weeks ago gedit-control-your-tabs orphan 2 weeks ago gnome-hexgl alexl, orphan 1 weeks ago gnome-shell-extension- orphan 2 weeks ago openweather gnome-shell-theme-flat-remix orphan 2 weeks ago gobuster @go-sig, orphan 0 weeks ago golang-github-containerd @go-sig, orphan, sergiomb 3 weeks ago golang-github-lunixbochs- @go-sig, orphan 2 weeks ago vtclean golang-github-mbndr-figlet4go @go-sig, orphan 2 weeks ago golang-github-tomnomnom- @go-sig, orphan 2 weeks ago xtermcolor golang-github-zyedidia- @go-sig, orphan 2 weeks ago highlight gridloc orphan 6 weeks ago gthree alexl, orphan 2 weeks ago gtranslator atim, orphan 2 weeks ago honggfuzz orphan 4 weeks ago hydrapaper orphan 2 weeks ago ibp orphan 2 weeks ago kreport @kde-sig, orphan 1 weeks ago la-capitaine-cursor-theme orphan 1 weeks ago la-capitaine-icon-theme orphan 1 weeks ago libblocksruntime orphan 5 weeks ago libgit2-glib ignatenkobrain, kalev, orphan, 1 weeks ago pwalter libhbaapi orphan 6 weeks ago libhbalinux orphan 6 weeks ago linux-thermaltake-rgb orphan 1 weeks ago materia-gtk-theme orphan 2 weeks ago moka-icon-theme orphan 2 weeks ago mozilla-fira-fonts maxamillion, orphan 2 weeks ago naev orphan 6 weeks ago naev-data orphan 6 weeks ago nik4 orphan 2 weeks ago openchange asn, gd, orphan, simo 2 weeks ago pag hguemar, orphan 5 weeks ago peek orphan 2 weeks ago perl-DateTime-Format-XSD orphan 3 weeks ago perl-PDF-Create orphan 6 weeks ago php-deepend-Mockery cdamian, orphan, remi 5 weeks ago php-ocramius-proxy-manager orphan 5 weeks ago php-symfony4 orphan, remi 0 weeks ago profile-cleaner orphan 1 weeks ago profile-sync-daemon orphan 1 weeks ago python-colorthief lyessaadi, orphan 1 weeks ago python-gevent-eventemitter orphan 1 weeks ago python-moksha-common @infra-sig, orphan 0 weeks ago python-ndg_httpsclient @python-packagers-sig, orphan, 6 weeks ago rohanpm python-nptyping orphan 3 weeks ago python-pyedflib @neuro-sig, orphan 0 weeks ago python-stochastic orphan 0 weeks ago qle orphan 6 weeks ago qrq orphan 6 weeks ago radeon-profile orphan 2 weeks ago radeon-profile-daemon orphan 2 weeks ago recapp orphan 2 weeks ago rust-krata-tokio-tar @rust-sig, orphan 2 weeks ago rust-tokio-tar @rust-sig, orphan 4 weeks ago secrets atim, orphan 2 weeks ago sgtk-menu orphan 2 weeks ago stacer orphan 2 weeks ago stardict-dic-cs_CZ orphan 5 weeks ago surf-geometry orphan 2 weeks ago suru-icon-theme orphan 2 weeks ago sysmontask alciregi, orphan 2 weeks ago tcl-togl orphan 4 weeks ago tkabber orphan 2 weeks ago uisp orphan 2 weeks ago vim-airline orphan 2 weeks ago vim-devicons orphan 2 weeks ago wmfrog orphan 3 weeks ago xde-menu orphan 2 weeks ago xxkb orphan 2 weeks ago The following packages require above mentioned packages: Depending on: apache-commons-jexl (1), status change: 2025-01-28 (5 weeks ago) apache-commons-configuration (maintained by: @epel-packagers-sig, orphan, salimma) apache-commons-configuration-2.11.0-6.fc42.src requires mvn(org.apache.commons:commons-jexl3) = 3.4.0 Depending on: compat-readline5 (1), status change: 2025-03-03 (0 weeks ago) devtodo (maintained by: benzea) devtodo-0.1.20-39.fc42.src requires compat-readline5-devel = 5.2-49.fc43 devtodo-0.1.20-39.fc42.x86_64 requires Depending on: flat-remix-icon-theme (1), status change: 2025-02-22 (2 weeks ago) flat-remix-theme (maintained by: orphan) flat-remix-theme-0.0.20220627-8.fc42.noarch requires flat-remix-icon-theme = 0.0.20220304-9.fc42 Depending on: golang-github-containerd (9), status change: 2025-02-11 (3 weeks ago) golang-github-containerd-fuse-overlayfs-snapshotter (maintained by: @go-sig, alexsaezm) golang-github-containerd-fuse-overlayfs-snapshotter-1.0.4-7.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41 golang-github-containerd-fuse-overlayfs-snapshotter-devel-1.0.4-7.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41 golang-github-containerd-zfs (maintained by: @go-sig, alexsaezm) golang-github-containerd-zfs-1.0.0-11.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41 golang-github-containerd-zfs-devel-1.0.0-11.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41 golang-github-docker-cli (maintained by: @go-sig, alexsaezm) golang-github-docker-cli-22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 0.10.5-8.fc41, golang( = 0.10.5-8.fc41 golang-github-docker-cli-devel-22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 0.10.5-8.fc41, golang( = 0.10.5-8.fc41 golang-github-moby-buildkit (maintained by: @go-sig, sergiomb) golang-github-moby-buildkit-0.10.5-8.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.0.4-7.fc41, golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41, golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41, golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41, golang( = 0-0.20.20221009git4638ad6.fc42, golang( = 0-0.20.20221009git4638ad6.fc42, golang( = 0-0.20.20221009git4638ad6.fc42, golang( = 0-0.11.20221015git0bdeb6e.fc41 golang-github-moby-buildkit-devel-0.10.5-8.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.0.4-7.fc41, golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41, golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41, golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41, golang( = 0-0.20.20221009git4638ad6.fc42, golang( = 0-0.20.20221009git4638ad6.fc42, golang( = 0-0.20.20221009git4638ad6.fc42, golang( = 0-0.11.20221015git0bdeb6e.fc41 golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil (maintained by: @go-sig, alexsaezm) golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil-0-0.20.20221009git4638ad6.fc42.src requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41 golang-gvisor (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo, elmarco) golang-gvisor-20240408.0-1.20240418git9e5a99b.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41 golang-gvisor-devel-20240408.0-1.20240418git9e5a99b.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41, golang( = 1.6.23-1.fc41 golang-github-containerd (maintained by: @go-sig, orphan, sergiomb) golang-github-containerd-1.6.23-1.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.0.0-11.fc41 golang-github-containerd-devel-1.6.23-1.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.0.0-11.fc41 doctl (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) doctl-1.120.0-1.fc42.src requires golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41, golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41, golang( = 22.06.0~beta.0-7.fc41 golang-github-tonistiigi-actions-cache (maintained by: @go-sig, alexsaezm) golang-github-tonistiigi-actions-cache-0-0.11.20221015git0bdeb6e.fc41.src requires golang( = 0.10.5-8.fc41 Depending on: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean (21), status change: 2025-02-22 (2 weeks ago) glab (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) glab-1.50.0-2.fc42.src requires golang( = 1.0.0-17.fc42 golang-github-juju-ansiterm (maintained by: @go-sig, gotmax23) golang-github-juju-ansiterm-1.0.0-7.fc42.src requires golang( = 1.0.0-17.fc42 golang-github-juju-ansiterm-devel-1.0.0-7.fc42.noarch requires golang( = 1.0.0-17.fc42 golang-github-viant-toolbox (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) golang-github-viant-toolbox-0.33.2-19.fc42.src requires golang( = 1.0.0-17.fc42 golang-github-viant-toolbox-devel-0.33.2-19.fc42.noarch requires golang( = 1.0.0-17.fc42 hut (maintained by: @go-sig, gotmax23) golang-sr-emersion-hut-devel-0.5.0-2.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.0.0-7.fc42 hut-0.5.0-2.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.0.0-7.fc42 golang-github-francoispqt-gojay (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) golang-github-francoispqt-gojay-1.2.13-16.fc41.src requires golang( = 0.33.2-19.fc42, golang( = 0.33.2-19.fc42 golang-github-francoispqt-gojay-devel-1.2.13-16.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 0.33.2-19.fc42, golang( = 0.33.2-19.fc42 golang-github-viant-assertly (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo) golang-github-viant-assertly-0.9.0-15.fc42.src requires golang( = 0.33.2-19.fc42, golang( = 0.33.2-19.fc42 golang-github-viant-assertly-devel-0.9.0-15.fc42.noarch requires golang( = 0.33.2-19.fc42, golang( = 0.33.2-19.fc42 golang-github-goccy-json (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo) golang-github-goccy-json-0.10.2-5.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.2.13-16.fc41 golang-github-goccy-json-devel-0.10.2-5.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.2.13-16.fc41 golang-github-quic (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo) golang-github-quic-0.42.0-1.fc41.src requires golang( = 1.2.13-16.fc41 golang-github-quic-devel-0.42.0-1.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 1.2.13-16.fc41 golang-github-apache-arrow15 (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) golang-github-apache-arrow15-15.0.2-2.fc41.src requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 golang-github-apache-arrow15-devel-15.0.2-2.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 golang-github-cloudflare (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo) golang-github-cloudflare-0.100.0-1.fc41.src requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 golang-github-cloudflare-devel-0.100.0-1.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 golang-github-lestrrat-jwx (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo) golang-github-lestrrat-jwx-1.2.26-4.fc41.src requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 golang-github-lestrrat-jwx-devel-1.2.26-4.fc41.noarch requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 golang-github-minio (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) golang-github-minio-7.0.82-2.fc42.src requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 golang-github-minio-devel-7.0.82-2.fc42.noarch requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 yq (maintained by: @go-sig, salimma) yq-4.43.1-5.fc42.src requires golang( = 0.10.2-5.fc41 dnscrypt-proxy (maintained by: @epel-packagers-sig, @go-sig, dcavalca, eclipseo) dnscrypt-proxy-2.1.5-6.fc42.src requires golang( = 0.42.0-1.fc41, golang( = 0.42.0-1.fc41 golang-cloud-google-bigquery (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) golang-cloud-google-bigquery-1.61.0-4.fc42.src requires golang( = 15.0.2-2.fc41, golang( = 15.0.2-2.fc41, golang( = 15.0.2-2.fc41, golang( = 15.0.2-2.fc41 golang-cloud-google-bigquery-devel-1.61.0-4.fc42.noarch requires golang( = 15.0.2-2.fc41, golang( = 15.0.2-2.fc41, golang( = 15.0.2-2.fc41, golang( = 15.0.2-2.fc41 golang-github-acme-lego (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo) golang-github-acme-lego-4.18.0-1.fc42.src requires golang( = 0.100.0-1.fc41 golang-github-acme-lego-devel-4.18.0-1.fc42.noarch requires golang( = 0.100.0-1.fc41 golang-github-deepmap-oapi-codegen (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo) golang-github-deepmap-oapi-codegen-1.13.0-1.fc40.src requires golang( = 1.2.26-4.fc41, golang( = 1.2.26-4.fc41, golang( = 1.2.26-4.fc41, golang( = 1.2.26-4.fc41 rclone (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) rclone-1.68.2-3.fc42.src requires golang( = 7.0.82-2.fc42, golang( = 7.0.82-2.fc42 restic (maintained by: @go-sig, mikelo2) restic-0.17.3-3.fc42.src requires golang( = 7.0.82-2.fc42, golang( = 7.0.82-2.fc42 frama-c (maintained by: jjames) frama-c-30.0-5.fc43.src requires yq = 4.43.1-5.fc42 golang-github-apache-beam-2 (maintained by: @go-sig, alexsaezm) golang-github-apache-beam-2-2.33.0~RC1-18.fc42.src requires golang( = 1.61.0-4.fc42 golang-github-apache-beam-2-devel-2.33.0~RC1-18.fc42.noarch requires golang( = 1.61.0-4.fc42 Too many dependencies for golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean, not all listed here Depending on: gthree (1), status change: 2025-02-22 (2 weeks ago) gnome-hexgl (maintained by: alexl, orphan) gnome-hexgl-0.2.0-17.20200724gitf47a351.fc42.src requires pkgconfig(gthree-1.0) = 1.0 gnome-hexgl-0.2.0-17.20200724gitf47a351.fc42.x86_64 requires, Depending on: kreport (2), status change: 2025-02-25 (1 weeks ago) calligraplan (maintained by: rdieter) calligraplan-3.3.0-11.fc42.src requires cmake(KReport) = 3.2.0 kexi (maintained by: @kde-sig, yselkowitz) kexi-3.2.0-13.fc42.src requires cmake(KReport) = 3.2.0 kexi-3.2.0-13.fc42.x86_64 requires kreport(x86-64) = 3.2.0-19.fc42 kexi-libs-3.2.0-13.fc42.i686 requires kexi-libs-3.2.0-13.fc42.x86_64 requires Depending on: libgit2-glib (5), status change: 2025-02-26 (1 weeks ago) elementary-code (maintained by: @pantheon-sig, decathorpe) elementary-code-7.3.0-2.fc42.i686 requires elementary-code-7.3.0-2.fc42.src requires pkgconfig(libgit2-glib-1.0) = 1.2.0 elementary-code-7.3.0-2.fc42.x86_64 requires elementary-code-devel-7.3.0-2.fc42.i686 requires pkgconfig(libgit2-glib-1.0) = 1.2.0 elementary-code-devel-7.3.0-2.fc42.x86_64 requires pkgconfig(libgit2-glib-1.0) = 1.2.0 elementary-files (maintained by: @pantheon-sig, decathorpe) elementary-files-7.1.0-2.fc42.i686 requires elementary-files-7.1.0-2.fc42.src requires pkgconfig(libgit2-glib-1.0) = 1.2.0 elementary-files-7.1.0-2.fc42.x86_64 requires gedit-plugins (maintained by: yselkowitz) gedit-plugin-git-46.0-4.fc42.x86_64 requires libgit2-glib = 1.2.0-9.fc42 gitg (maintained by: @gnome-sig, ignatenkobrain, pwalter, rathann) gitg-44-9.fc42.i686 requires gitg-44-9.fc42.src requires pkgconfig(libgit2-glib-1.0) = 1.2.0 gitg-44-9.fc42.x86_64 requires gitg-devel-44-9.fc42.i686 requires pkgconfig(libgit2-glib-1.0) = 1.2.0 gitg-devel-44-9.fc42.x86_64 requires pkgconfig(libgit2-glib-1.0) = 1.2.0 gitg-libs-44-9.fc42.i686 requires libgit2-glib(x86-32) = 1.2.0-9.fc42, gitg-libs-44-9.fc42.x86_64 requires libgit2-glib(x86-64) = 1.2.0-9.fc42, gnome-builder (maintained by: @gnome-sig, amigadave, ignatenkobrain) gnome-builder-48~rc-1.fc43.i686 requires libgit2-glib(x86-32) = 1.2.0-9.fc42, gnome-builder-48~rc-1.fc43.src requires pkgconfig(libgit2-glib-1.0) = 1.2.0 gnome-builder-48~rc-1.fc43.x86_64 requires libgit2-glib(x86-64) = 1.2.0-9.fc42, Depending on: libhbaapi (2), status change: 2025-01-22 (6 weeks ago) libhbalinux (maintained by: orphan) libhbalinux-1.0.17-22.fc42.i686 requires libhbaapi = 2.2.9-26.fc41 libhbalinux-1.0.17-22.fc42.src requires libhbaapi-devel = 2.2.9-26.fc41 libhbalinux-1.0.17-22.fc42.x86_64 requires libhbaapi = 2.2.9-26.fc41 sblim-smis-hba (maintained by: vcrhonek) sblim-smis-hba-1.0.0-37.fc42.src requires libhbaapi-devel = 2.2.9-26.fc41 sblim-smis-hba-1.0.0-37.fc42.x86_64 requires, libhbaapi = 2.2.9-26.fc41 Depending on: materia-gtk-theme (2), status change: 2025-02-22 (2 weeks ago) budgie-desktop (maintained by: joshstrobl) budgie-desktop-10.9.2-5.fc42.i686 requires materia-gtk-theme = 0.0.20210322-14.fc42 budgie-desktop-10.9.2-5.fc42.x86_64 requires materia-gtk-theme = 0.0.20210322-14.fc42 budgie-desktop-defaults (maintained by: joshstrobl) budgie-desktop-defaults-0.5.1-7.fc42.noarch requires budgie-desktop = 10.9.2-5.fc42, materia-gtk-theme = 0.0.20210322-14.fc42 Depending on: naev (2), status change: 2025-01-24 (6 weeks ago) naev-data (maintained by: orphan) naev-data-0.11.4-4.fc42.noarch requires naev = 0.11.4-3.fc41 naev (maintained by: orphan) naev-0.11.4-3.fc41.x86_64 requires naev-data = 0.11.4-4.fc42 Depending on: naev-data (2), status change: 2025-01-24 (6 weeks ago) naev (maintained by: orphan) naev-0.11.4-3.fc41.x86_64 requires naev-data = 0.11.4-4.fc42 naev-data (maintained by: orphan) naev-data-0.11.4-4.fc42.noarch requires naev = 0.11.4-3.fc41 Depending on: openchange (1), status change: 2025-02-17 (2 weeks ago) evolution-mapi (maintained by: asn, orphan) evolution-mapi-3.55.1-3.fc43.src requires pkgconfig(libmapi) = 2.3 evolution-mapi-3.55.1-3.fc43.x86_64 requires Depending on: perl-PDF-Create (1), status change: 2025-01-25 (6 weeks ago) qle (maintained by: orphan) qle-0.0.18-38.fc42.noarch requires perl(PDF::Create) = 1.46, perl(PDF::Image::GIF) = 1.46, perl(PDF::Image::JPEG) = 1.46 Depending on: php-symfony4 (4), status change: 2025-03-03 (0 weeks ago) php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle (maintained by: remi, siwinski) php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle-1.4.0-12.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/doctrine-bridge) = 4.4.50 php-symfony-polyfill (maintained by: siwinski) php-symfony-polyfill-1.28.0-1.fc40.src requires php-symfony4-intl = 4.4.50-10.fc42, php-symfony4-var-dumper = 4.4.50-10.fc42 php-twig (maintained by: siwinski) php-twig-1.44.7-6.fc41.src requires php-composer(symfony/debug) = 4.4.50 php-symfony4 (maintained by: orphan, remi) php-symfony4-common-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php80) = 1.28.0 php-symfony4-config-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php81) = 1.28.0 php-symfony4-console-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php73) = 1.28.0 php-symfony4-http-client-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php73) = 1.28.0 php-symfony4-http-kernel-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php73) = 1.28.0 php-symfony4-mime-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/polyfill-mbstring) = 1.28.0 php-symfony4-var-dumper-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php72) = 1.28.0 php-symfony4-web-link-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php72) = 1.28.0 php-symfony4-twig-bridge-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(twig/twig) = 1.44.7 php-symfony4-twig-bundle-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(twig/twig) = 1.44.7 php-symfony4-web-profiler-bundle-4.4.50-10.fc42.noarch requires php-composer(twig/twig) = 1.44.7 Depending on: python-gevent-eventemitter (1), status change: 2025-02-26 (1 weeks ago) python-steam (maintained by: atim) python-steam-1.4.4-7.fc41.src requires python3dist(gevent-eventemitter) = 2.1 Depending on: python-ndg_httpsclient (2), status change: 2025-01-24 (6 weeks ago) python-edgegrid (maintained by: rohanpm) python3-edgegrid-1.2.1-13.fc42.noarch requires python3.13dist(ndg-httpsclient) = 0.5.1 python-fastpurge (maintained by: rohanpm) python-fastpurge-1.0.3-13.fc42.src requires python3dist(edgegrid-python) = 1.2.1 python3-fastpurge-1.0.3-13.fc42.noarch requires python3.13dist(edgegrid-python) = 1.2.1 Depending on: python-nptyping (3), status change: 2025-02-11 (3 weeks ago) python-typish (maintained by: fab) python-typish-1.9.3-13.fc41.src requires python3dist(nptyping) = 2.5 python-jsons (maintained by: fab) python-jsons-1.5.0-13.fc42.src requires python3dist(typish) = 1.9.3 python3-jsons-1.5.0-13.fc42.noarch requires python3.13dist(typish) = 1.9.3 metrics2mqtt (maintained by: hobbes1069) python3-metrics2mqtt-0.1.18-16.fc42.noarch requires python3.13dist(jsons) = 1.5 Depending on: python-pyedflib (3), status change: 2025-03-06 (0 weeks ago) python-mne (maintained by: @neuro-sig, ankursinha, ignatenkobrain) python-mne-1.9.0-3.fc42.src requires python3-pyedflib = 0.1.40-1.fc43 python-mne-bids (maintained by: @neuro-sig, ankursinha) python-mne-bids-0.16.0-12.fc42.src requires python3dist(mne) = 1.9, python3dist(pybv) = 0.7.6 python3-mne-bids-0.16.0-12.fc42.noarch requires python3.13dist(mne) = 1.9 python3-mne-bids+full-0.16.0-12.fc42.noarch requires python3.13dist(pybv) = 0.7.6 python-pybv (maintained by: @neuro-sig, music) python-pybv-0.7.6-5.fc42.src requires python3dist(mne) = 1.9 Depending on: radeon-profile (1), status change: 2025-02-22 (2 weeks ago) radeon-profile-daemon (maintained by: orphan) radeon-profile-daemon-20190603-12.fc42.x86_64 requires radeon-profile(x86-64) = 20200824-14.fc42 Depending on: tkabber (1), status change: 2025-02-19 (2 weeks ago) tkabber-plugins (maintained by: krege) tkabber-plugins-1.1.2-23.fosf51aa371d9.fc42.noarch requires tkabber = 1.1.2-21.fos93d0303aad.fc42 Affected (co)maintainers @epel-packagers-sig: apache-commons-configuration, apache-commons-jexl, golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean @gnome-sig: libgit2-glib @go-sig: gobuster, golang-github-tomnomnom-xtermcolor, golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean, golang-github-mbndr-figlet4go, golang-github-containerd, golang-github-zyedidia-highlight @infra-sig: python-moksha-common @kde-sig: kreport @neuro-sig: python-pyedflib @pantheon-sig: libgit2-glib @python-packagers-sig: python-ndg_httpsclient @rust-sig: rust-krata-tokio-tar, rust-tokio-tar alciregi: sysmontask alexl: gnome-hexgl, gthree alexsaezm: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean, golang-github-containerd amigadave: libgit2-glib ankursinha: python-pyedflib asn: openchange, evolution-mapi atim: secrets, gtranslator, daggy, python-gevent-eventemitter benzea: compat-readline5 cdamian: php-deepend-Mockery dcavalca: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean decathorpe: libgit2-glib eclipseo: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean, golang-github-containerd elmarco: golang-github-containerd fab: python-nptyping gd: openchange gotmax23: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean hguemar: pag hobbes1069: python-nptyping ignatenkobrain: python-pyedflib, daggy, libgit2-glib jjames: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean joshstrobl: materia-gtk-theme kalev: libgit2-glib krege: tkabber lyessaadi: python-colorthief maxamillion: mozilla-fira-fonts mhjacks: awesome-vim-colorschemes mikelo2: golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean, golang-github-containerd music: python-pyedflib pwalter: libgit2-glib rathann: libgit2-glib rdieter: kreport remi: php-deepend-Mockery, php-symfony4 rohanpm: python-ndg_httpsclient salimma: apache-commons-configuration, apache-commons-jexl, golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean sergiomb: golang-github-containerd simo: openchange siwinski: php-symfony4 vcrhonek: libhbaapi yselkowitz: kreport, libgit2-glib zawertun: bpytop Orphans (86): ansible-collection-awx-awx apache-commons-configuration apache-commons-jexl awesome-vim-colorschemes bpytop bst-external clipsmm compat-readline5 daggy drawing erlang-js evolution-mapi faience-icon-theme flat-remix-icon-theme flat-remix-theme gamehub gedit-color-schemes gedit-control-your-tabs gnome-hexgl gnome-shell-extension-openweather gnome-shell-theme-flat-remix gobuster golang-github-containerd golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean golang-github-mbndr-figlet4go golang-github-tomnomnom-xtermcolor golang-github-zyedidia-highlight gridloc gthree gtranslator honggfuzz hydrapaper ibp kreport la-capitaine-cursor-theme la-capitaine-icon-theme libblocksruntime libgit2-glib libhbaapi libhbalinux linux-thermaltake-rgb materia-gtk-theme moka-icon-theme mozilla-fira-fonts naev naev-data nik4 openchange pag peek perl-DateTime-Format-XSD perl-PDF-Create php-deepend-Mockery php-ocramius-proxy-manager php-symfony4 profile-cleaner profile-sync-daemon python-colorthief python-gevent-eventemitter python-moksha-common python-ndg_httpsclient python-nptyping python-pyedflib python-stochastic qle qrq radeon-profile radeon-profile-daemon recapp rust-krata-tokio-tar rust-tokio-tar secrets sgtk-menu stacer stardict-dic-cs_CZ surf-geometry suru-icon-theme sysmontask tcl-togl tkabber uisp vim-airline vim-devicons wmfrog xde-menu xxkb Orphans (dependend on) (21): apache-commons-jexl compat-readline5 flat-remix-icon-theme golang-github-containerd golang-github-lunixbochs-vtclean gthree kreport libgit2-glib libhbaapi materia-gtk-theme naev naev-data openchange perl-PDF-Create php-symfony4 python-gevent-eventemitter python-ndg_httpsclient python-nptyping python-pyedflib radeon-profile tkabber Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (5): libhbaapi naev naev-data perl-PDF-Create python-ndg_httpsclient Orphans (rawhide) (not depended on) (65): ansible-collection-awx-awx apache-commons-configuration awesome-vim-colorschemes bpytop bst-external clipsmm daggy drawing erlang-js evolution-mapi faience-icon-theme flat-remix-theme gamehub gedit-color-schemes gedit-control-your-tabs gnome-hexgl gnome-shell-extension-openweather gnome-shell-theme-flat-remix gobuster golang-github-mbndr-figlet4go golang-github-tomnomnom-xtermcolor golang-github-zyedidia-highlight gridloc gtranslator honggfuzz hydrapaper ibp la-capitaine-cursor-theme la-capitaine-icon-theme libblocksruntime libhbalinux linux-thermaltake-rgb moka-icon-theme mozilla-fira-fonts nik4 pag peek perl-DateTime-Format-XSD php-deepend-Mockery php-ocramius-proxy-manager profile-cleaner profile-sync-daemon python-colorthief python-moksha-common python-stochastic qle qrq radeon-profile-daemon recapp rust-krata-tokio-tar rust-tokio-tar secrets sgtk-menu stacer stardict-dic-cs_CZ surf-geometry suru-icon-theme sysmontask tcl-togl uisp vim-airline vim-devicons wmfrog xde-menu xxkb Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (4): gridloc libhbalinux qle qrq Depending packages (rawhide) (64): apache-commons-configuration budgie-desktop budgie-desktop-defaults calligraplan devtodo dnscrypt-proxy doctl elementary-code elementary-files evolution-mapi flat-remix-theme frama-c gedit-plugins gitg glab gnome-builder gnome-hexgl golang-cloud-google-bigquery golang-github-acme-lego golang-github-apache-arrow15 golang-github-apache-beam-2 golang-github-cloudflare golang-github-containerd golang-github-containerd-fuse-overlayfs-snapshotter golang-github-containerd-zfs golang-github-deepmap-oapi-codegen golang-github-docker-cli golang-github-francoispqt-gojay golang-github-goccy-json golang-github-juju-ansiterm golang-github-lestrrat-jwx golang-github-minio golang-github-moby-buildkit golang-github-quic golang-github-tonistiigi-actions-cache golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil golang-github-viant-assertly golang-github-viant-toolbox golang-gvisor hut kexi libhbalinux metrics2mqtt naev naev-data php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle php-symfony-polyfill php-symfony4 php-twig python-edgegrid python-fastpurge python-jsons python-mne python-mne-bids python-pybv python-steam python-typish qle radeon-profile-daemon rclone restic sblim-smis-hba tkabber-plugins yq Packages depending on packages orphaned (rawhide) for more than 6 weeks (7): libhbalinux naev naev-data python-edgegrid python-fastpurge qle sblim-smis-hba -- The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance: The sources of this script can be found at: Report finished at 2025-03-09 00:05:40 UTC