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Ansible Release Process


This document describes the ansible community package release process.


Throughout this page, placeholder values in code blocks are formatted as ${PLACEHOLDER_VALUE} where PLACEHOLDER_VALUE describes the value to fill in.

Set up container

Release managers may choose to preform the following steps inside a podman or docker container created from the image. Make sure to mount your working directory as a volume so you don't have to set up new repository clones every time.

podman run --name ansible-release -v ${PERSISTENT_DIRECTORY}:/pwd:z -w /pwd -ti bash

Set up repository clones

First, you need to set up ansible-build-data and antsibull repository clones. This only needs to be done once.

  1. Fork the ansible-build-data repository.

  2. Checkout the antsibull and ansible-documentation repositories and change into antsibull.

    git clone
    git clone
    cd antsibull
  3. Checkout ansible-build-data and configure your fork.

    To checkout the repository run

    mkdir build
    cd build
    git clone
    cd ansible-build-data

    Then, configure your fork. This guide uses your Github username as the fork remote name.

    git remote add ${USERNAME}${USERNAME}/ansible-build-data
    git fetch ${USERNAME} -v

Perform release process

  1. Change into the antsibull checkout. Make sure you have the main branch checked out and run git pull to update to the latest commit.

  2. Create a clean virtual environment for the release process.

    rm -rf release-venv
    python3 -m venv release-venv
    . ./release-venv/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install -U pip

    Install the antsibull, ansible-core, and twine python packages, as well as the community.general collection.

    python3 -m pip install antsibull ansible-core twine
    ansible-galaxy collection install --force community.general
  3. Run the ansible release playbook with the appropriate options. You can see the argument spec for a full breakdown, but this describes the basic usage.

    ansible-playbook playbooks/build-single-release.yaml -e antsibull_ansible_version=${VERSION}


    When building ansible versions greater than 9.0.0a1, Validate tags file task failures will fail the release playbook instead of warning and moving on. See for how to proceed if this step fails.

  4. Commit the changes and push them to your fork.

    You can run the following commands to do so

    cd build/ansible-build-data
    git switch -c release-${VERSION}
    git add ${MAJOR_VERSION}/
    git commit -m "Ansible ${VERSION}: Dependencies, changelog and porting guide"
    git push -u ${USERNAME} release-${VERSION}

    Then, submit a pull request against ansible-build-data upstream.

  5. Submit a PR to ansible/ansible-documentation to add the new porting guide to the docsite. Copy the porting guide to the ansible docsite directory in your ansible checkout with the following command

    cp ${MAJOR_VERSION}/porting_guide_${MAJOR_VERSION}.rst ../ansible-documentation/docs/docsite/rst/porting_guides/

    switch to the ansible checkout, commit and push the changes, and then submit a PR as you normally would. You can use Add Ansible community ${VERSION} porting guide as the commit message.

  6. Once the ansible-build-data PR has been merged, publish the build artifacts to PyPI. From the antsibull repository root, run

    twine upload build/ansible-${VERSION}.tar.gz build/ansible-${VERSION}*.whl
  7. Tag the release commit in the ansible-build-data repository.

    cd build/ansible-build-data
    git switch main
    git pull
    git tag ${VERSION} ${MERGED_PR_COMMIT_HASH} -a -m "Ansible ${VERSION}: Changelog, Porting Guide and Dependent Collection Details"
    git push --follow-tags
  8. Announce the release on Matrix and the mailing list. TODO: Move announcement templates into this repository. Release managers can copy and paste the previous release's announcement for now. Make sure to change the version numbers and sha256sum in the announcement text.